“My finger gets stuck and then it snaps back!”

Does this sound familiar? Well, you may have trigger finger.


What is trigger finger (stenosing tenosynovitis)?

Trigger finger is a condition in which one of your fingers get stuck in a bent position. Your finger may bend or straighten with a snap — like a trigger being pulled and released.

Trigger Finger (TF) is one of the most common problems affecting the hand. It afflicts approximately 9 million Americans 6 with stiffness, pain, and difficulty bending in one or more fingers. Left untreated, the finger can become locked in a bent position.




Overview and Symptoms


Trigger finger happens when inflammation narrows the space within the sheath that surrounds the tendon in the affected finger. Tendon sheaths help protect tendons from damage as they move. If trigger finger is severe, your finger may be locked in a bent position. If your occupation or hobbies require repetitive gripping or grasping movements, you are at a higher risk of developing stenosing tenosynovitis. The condition is also more common in women and in anyone with diabetes.


  • Finger stiffness, including the thumb

  • A popping or snapping sensation as you move your finger

  • Tenderness or a bump at the palm or at the base of the affected finger

  • Finger catching or locking in a bent position, then suddenly pops straight

  • Finger stuck in a bent position, unable to straighten




Treatments for Trigger Finger

Conservative treatment options include pain medication, splinting, corticosteroid injections, or physical therapy.

At in2it Medical we provide trigger finger release with UltraGuideTFR ™ with real-time ultrasound guidance.

In2it works with most health insurance companies and is an in-network provider for many patients! Typically, we do not require a physician referral, but some insurance companies may require referrals or may need additional requirements for certain medical care. Check out, UltraGuideTFR to review treatment at in2it!